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dBarre: MĆ”s informaciĆ³n

Daniela garcia

Founder of dBarrestudio

Passionate about dance and the body in movement. Professional dancer and dance teacher. He studied different disciplines, ballet is his main base, contemporary dance his passion, jazz, hip hop and Pilates his complement for his growth and training. He took courses and certifications in New York, Canada, Los Angeles, CDMX and Monterrey among others. She was part of the Contemporary Dance Company of the University of Monterrey. In 2007 she started her own dance studio where different workshops are given for girls and adolescents to date. Alternate to her study, in 2019 she began to study barre to become an instructor and created "dBarrestudio" where her love and passion for dance are transmitted in her classes.


DBarre Method
by Daniela García 

Mi Método está se basado en hacerte más fuerte, moldear, tonificar y a su vez alargar músculos internos.

DBarre Method te lleva a un nivel donde encontrarás una una conexión cuerpo y mente llevados de una respiración armoniosa y orgánica que te ayudan a obtener mayor resistencia física.

Me enfocó en hacerte consciente de tu alineación y tu respiración durante la ejecución de los ejercicios que te ayudan a conectarte con tu movimiento y a su vez a obtener mayor desempeño durante las clases.

Realizamos movimientos precisos, y controlados que te llevan al fortalecimiento de tus músculos.


dBarre: MĆ”s informaciĆ³n


It is a studio that offers face-to-face and online barre classes.

This is a low impact but high intensity discipline where ballet, Pilates, yoga, cardio and flexibility exercises are fused, combined with strength and resistance exercises.

Classes inspired by ballet choreographies focused on fitness are created; Combinations are made to work coordination, in which high resistance and strength are applied through short and long repetitions that go to the rhythm of the music, adding cardio to activate circulation, achieving a stronger and more stylized body in a short time.

The mixture of these makes it a dynamic and fun class lasting 55 minutes, managing to work the whole body in a single session.

A ballet barre is used as a support, as well as other accessories that make the class even more challenging: yoga mat, dumbbells, small air ball and resistance band, among others.


"We want all of you to fall in love with our classes and to be able to slim, compact and tone your muscles like that of ballet dancers."

"We want all of you to fall in love with our classes and to be able to slim, compact and tone your muscles like that of ballet dancers."

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